Staff in small communities and organizations often find themselves wearing many hats. Every day can bring a multitude of tasks and responsibilities, with little time to work on some of the more intricate areas of land use or site plan development or review. Ad Terram Consulting can bring that extra capacity and support to your organization through providing as-needed professional planning services. Having served “on both sides of the counter” (i.e., in the public and private realm), we know the lingo and can adeptly navigate the technical concepts. We take a down-to-earth approach to our consulting service, focusing on action and real results without high overhead or extraneous costs. Here are a few ways we can help you:
Would you like your paper zoning maps translated into an interactive online map? Do you have a development site and wish to better understand how it relates to the rest of your community? Perhaps you are considering a new site (business, organizational office) and need to optimize location, or you wish to showcase your projects across a broad geography. We have years of experience providing comprehensive GIS support for small-to-medium organizations and look forward to helping you raise the bar with this dynamic and multi-faceted tool. We stick to the fundamentals and enjoy creating functional, readable maps for various purposes. Our GIS services include the following: